Thursday, July 21, 2011

What motivates you?

So I've been thinking... (I know right!)

Why do I have no motivation? I've got months and months off during the year and I can't seem to get a damn thing done. I started my summer break the first week in June, and it will end the last week-ish or so in August. What do I have to show for it so far? Nothing as of yet. I got gold league in a video game I've been playing, and reached level 15 in another.

Here were some of my goals for this break:

!.) Design and publish two websites, and redo a third.
2.) Paint my High Elf army
3.) Start a painting commission service through my local game store.
4.) Build two separate shelving units to maximize every bit of space my family occupies.

That's about it. Four things... Four seemingly small things. I've started on the design process of one website, no figures have been painted (one partially painted though! w00t), and the wood for the shelving units are still sitting at Home Depot (or Lowe's...).

My problem is not time, nor materials, nor money. My problem is a lack of motivation. The websites I will create will generate no income for me. The figures I paint, unless I am really lucky on eBay will net me nothing. The shelves are the only thing that will get me anything. Now granted, the love and appreciation of my wife are extremely welcome during this difficult chapter in our lives, but building those shelves is about a 1 or 2 on the fun-o-meter.

So I ask this; what motivates you? What makes you tackle a project head on? What advice would you give me in my feeble attempts to get this list done? Should I lower my goals a little and put myself in a place where I know I will succeed?

Now I am expecting some responses like "you are the only who knows how to motivate you!" Well, that's poppycock. Something that motivates you could also motivate me, it just works like that. So shoot me anything. I want to get a few things done before I head back to work. I want to feel as though I accomplished enough to justify me not aggressively seeking temporary employment. I say aggressive because I *did* look for work, just not to any great length.

That's all for now. I will anxiously wait by my Gmail waiting for responses. Lol... Llike I have followers. :-p


  1. Motivation? What's that? Not only am I a procrastinator, but I can't get enough focus for tasks and a lot get started but never finished. I think one thing that works for me is having my mother yell at me haha. Other than that having someone else write out a checklist then giving it to me having me check off each task once it's completed.

  2. How about a good swift kick in the......

    Seriously, one foot in front of the other, one task at a time.

    What is the "easiest" not meaning quick or simple, but what would be the task that takes the littlest effort? Sounds like the shelving to me, a great workout and will accomplish a lot and can be done in 1 or 2 days. Ask someone to help you, to keep you on task. Not to nag but to keep your head clear in direction.

    Good luck
